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That’s right…no expiration date on the bags. What IS on each bag is a “Best by” date. Lays is saying that I can expect the best flavor/ freshness before that date.

D. Benevento

Bought three cases to give out to my students after I did a presentation on the history of potato chips as an example lesson. They were very excited to get them.


This variety pack is awesome. I do what I call “the mystery grab,” where I close my eyes, reach in and pull out two bags. I’m never disappointed, as all the flavors are delicious. Economical too!

Jessica Morgen

I work late hours so red bull is my biggest expense. Having ot delivered through Amazon makes it so much easier than constantly running to the store.

Liz z
No Money No Time

Nacho Cheese Sunflower Seeds by David

Whenever you need an on-the-go snack to keep you moving, wrap your mitts around a bag of these seeds to satisfy your hunger

Each Pack contains about 1 serving, with 70 calories, 3 grams of protein, and 8% of your daily allowance of phosphorus and 10% of magnesium per serving

Since 1926, David Seeds Provides A Quality Difference That You Can Taste With Select Top-Quality Seeds, Roasted And Seasoned To Perfection

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